The whispers (2019)
Corrientes de retorno
XV Bienal de Cuenca, Bienal del Bioceno.
Curator: Blanca de la Torre
This project explores replication as a form of knowledge that builds the future and opens up possibilities for memory, knowledge, and the appropriation of objects stripped from territories by the discourse of the nation and capitalist interests.
The project's title refers to the movements of the sea and a historical event: the discovery of an archaeological site in Los Esteros on March 7, 1966 when a four-year-old boy named Auberto Carrillo Mero witnessed how a large wave uncovered several objects resembling dolls, now known as the Giants of Bahía. Within a few days, at least 3,000 ceramic pieces had been extracted without the authorities being able to intervene to prevent the looting.
The proposal arises from the artist's fieldwork with pottery artisans from the La Pila community in Manabí, who, through their direct experience with archaeological materiality, have developed a repertoire of imaginaries about the pre-Hispanic era. Their knowledge, acquired through their hands-on approach and using techniques similar to those of the ancient inhabitants, represents a way of returning to and activating the meanings of these objects created two and a half thousand years ago to worship the vital elements of nature, especially water.
Cevallos collaborates with the artist from La Pila, Javier Rivera, who replicates and interprets objects from Ecuadorian museums and international collections. The installation challenges the construction of meaning surrounding these objects and the current production conditions of artisanal practices while exploring pre-Columbian aesthetics.